Coming off the heels of motorcycle safety awareness month, we think it's important to mention the rise in fatal motorcycle crashes so our friends riding the road can stay aware of potential dangers. The Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research (ITSMR) found that in 2021, fatal crashes involving motorcycles were up 53% compared to 2019.
The 2021 data suggests that 204 people were killed in 198 crashes (the 2021 data is considered preliminary) over the year. In 2019, there were 133 deaths in 132 crashes. Most fatalities were drivers, but some passengers, pedestrians and bicyclists are included.
Motorcyclists make up a disproportionate number of those killed in crashes both in New York and in a broader national sense. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists are 26 times more likely to die as a result of their injuries, and 5 times more likely to be injured.
Additionally, according to the DOT, 33% of all motorcycle-related deaths are due to a drunk driver or rider. Alcohol is deadlier both operating a motorcycle and riding a motorcycle when there's a drunk driver in a car. The latter for many of the reasons to follow and the former because it's easier to lose balance and coordination while intoxicated.
It makes sense when you think about it, cars are multiple-ton vehicles made of metal and hard plastics that put a full shell around the occupants, providing some heightened level of protection versus a motorcycle. Of course, that connection to the road and sense of freedom is arguably why they're a popular method of transportation.
In 2021, motorcycle crashes made up greater than 18% of all fatal crashes in New York, according to the Governer's Traffic Safety Committee.
When riding, safety is the top priority. Always make sure to wear a helmet that meets DOT standards and hi-vis gear. Also, keep an eye out for local motorcycle safety training, giving riders more insight to mentally and physically prepare for using lifesaving skills.
DISCLAIMER: This is not legal advice. This blog post, and all others, exist to lead to a more informed public using available information. For legal advice, please contact an experienced, Buffalo NY Defense Lawyer like Dan DuBois. Remember, the outcome of your case or matter cannot be predicted using an attorney's previous clients or track record. Each case should be evaluated by an experienced attorney without comparison to other cases which may have had different facts or circumstances.
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